Monday, July 20, 2009

Garbage Management at Home in Sri Lanka

The Municipalities in in Sri Lanka, recently started promoting waste management at home, where they were encouraging people to use compost bins to dispose the waste. By this process, valuable compost is produced using the organic components of household waste that we dismiss as being spent, useless, worthless, or in excess of our needs.

This also reduces the burden the municipality is facing in collecting waste as well disposing the. The Colombo Municipality is facing a sever problem of finding a place to dump wast, and was a result garbage has been left uncollected for days, creating an eyesore in the city.

The solution or at least a part solution is to encourage householders to install compost bins at their homes for the disposal of their waste. The resulting compost can be used either for their home garden or sell it to a company who is manufacturing compost. A source of revenue during time of recession.

There are different types of home-composting bins are available in the market, which are manufactured from plastic, metal or concrete rings. Concrete bins have been identified as the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution when compared to other designs.

Arpico is one such company in manufacturing plastic compost bins Sri Lanka.

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