Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Energy Saving Tips for the Office

Here are some energy tips for the office:

Air Conditioning - If your air conditioning in your office can be controlled by a remote, keep its temperature at 27, so it will it automatically knock off the air conditioning as soon as the room temperature comes to 27 degrees. This means the Air conditioner will not be working continuously. This will not only save on the electricity bill, you are also contributing in a small way (well in a tiny way) in reducing use of thermal energy (most of the electricity is generated by it) which mean less emissions are released into the atmosphere.

Office Lights - Off your lights in your cubicle, room if you going out for lunch, meetings etc.

Computer Monitors - If your are using the old CRT monitors, switch them off when you leave your room, even for a short while.

As the saying goes, little drops of water makes the might ocean. Your small contribution can mean a lot if done collectively. So Good Luck!

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